
Meals2Kids continues to be a successful GFTH program and makes a real difference in the lives of many children. The purpose of Meals2Kids is to provide weekend food for Coupeville School District students who experience "hunger insecurity," which means that they don’t know if they will get a meal, when they will get their next meal, and what that meal will be. Students are identified for this weekend food program by school staff and teachers. Some families are homeless, some are grandparents raising their grandchildren, some are single parents, but many children come from families with working parents who don't earn a living wage or get full-time hours.
GFTH volunteers deliver bags of nonperishable food to the school every Friday, and the classroom teachers slip the bags into the students' backpacks when school is over. Each bag contains 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 beverages, 2 snacks, and 2 pieces of fresh fruit. Meals2Kids: 2 of everything. For the 2021-2022 school year, The Oystercatcher restaurant in Coupeville has donated fresh bread weekly for the Meals2Kids bags. We served a total of 47 students from 24 families in the Coupeville School District.
- These bags cost $7 per student per weekend, or a total of $259 per student for an entire school year
- Meals2Kids s funded entirely by donations from our community: individuals, businesses, churches, and service groups have all contributed to this program. However, each year we must raise new funds to support the students.
- Meals2Kids serves the Coupeville School District. The program is run entirely by volunteers. We work hard to keep our expenses down so donated funds can go to purchase food.
- Contact us if you have a fundraising idea, or make a donation right here on our website.